Gobi Fried Rice is one of the crispy dishes with sautéed rice and spices at Kalyana Virundhu Biryani.
Gobi Fried Rice recipe is a most loveable dish for all kinds of ageing. While making gobi fried rice, you want to make at first gobi fry. Because the crispiness of a gobi adds an exciting element to the gobi fried rice while tasting. It will add in the hot pan while in pan-fry along with some vegetables, onion, chilly, garlic, salt, soy sauce, and pepper and finally, add the boiled long grains and sautéed with temperature. It has plated with the most elegantly with the smoking effect of aroma. Find and get the best savour Gobi Fried Rice in Chennai at Kalyana Virundhu Biryani.